To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (2024)

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Amjad Iqbal am 22 Mai 2024 um 13:26

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Kommentiert: Mathieu NOE am 22 Mai 2024 um 17:04

Akzeptierte Antwort: Voss


Dear MATLAB Experts,

I have data in .mat files, each corresponding to a particular month with selected_dates and brightness information.

Each month has a different number of output values (1, 2, 3, ..., N). I need to create a stem plot for each month, with the month on the x-axis and brightness on the y-axis.

For example, if D201701 has six values, the plot will show six values in one single stem, and the x-axis will display the month name.

Additionally, I want to annotate each stem value with a marker (e.g., . or *) to indicate the corresponding date. I have attached an image that shows the stem plot for multiple values, as well as the data and code.

To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (2)

Thank you for guidance and help.

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Cris LaPierre am 22 Mai 2024 um 14:55

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Are you trying to duplicate the image you shared? If so, I don't see how this is a stem plot, since stem plots would all originate from a common horizontal line. It looks like a bunch of line plots to me.

Amjad Iqbal am 22 Mai 2024 um 15:21

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Bearbeitet: Amjad Iqbal am 22 Mai 2024 um 15:22

@Cris LaPierre

Yes, I actually wanted to emphasis that I want to plot one stem line for one month to show all the values corresponding to brightness. I understand from image its confusing.

@Voss understood the query and resolved. I appreicate both for time and efforts.

I will further norish the results.

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Voss am 22 Mai 2024 um 14:57

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Maybe something along these lines:


% load the files

F = dir(fullfile('Processed_results','*.mat'));

NF = numel(F);

for ii = 1:NF

S = load(fullfile(F(ii).folder,F(ii).name));

F(ii).brightness = S.all_brightness_values;

F(ii).dates = S.selected_dates;


% count the number of dates and brightnesses in each file

N_dates = arrayfun(@(x)numel(x.dates),F);

N_brightness = arrayfun(@(x)numel(x.brightness),F);


% collect date and brightness values into matrices;

% each column is a file, each row is a brightness/date

NB = max(N_brightness);

dates = NaT(NB,NF);

brightness = NaN(NB,NF);

for ii = 1:NF

dates(1:N_dates(ii),ii) = F(ii).dates;

brightness(1:N_brightness(ii),ii) = F(ii).brightness;


% construct datetime dt representing the start of each month

dt = datetime(year(dates(1,:)),month(dates(1,:)),1);

% markers to be used in plots

markers = '.*xo+^v<>sdph';

markers = repmat(markers,1,ceil(NB/numel(markers)));

% plot stems

figure('Position',[50 50 1500 600])

hold on

for ii = 1:NB




To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (6)

% or plot markers only

figure('Position',[50 50 1500 600])

hold on

for ii = 1:NB




To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (7)

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Amjad Iqbal am 22 Mai 2024 um 15:19

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@Voss I really appreciate your kind efforts and providing the solution.

This is what I wanted to plot and show the results. Once again Thank you.

To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (9)

Voss am 22 Mai 2024 um 15:32

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You're welcome!

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Mathieu NOE am 22 Mai 2024 um 16:14

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hello @Amjad Iqbal

I modified a bit your code

added one line in the first for loop

number_of_data_thismonth(k) = numel(brightnessValues); % <= added this line first

then modified the plot

% original plot

% for i = 1:numel(allDates)

% % Plotting the stem for each date

% stem(allDates(i), allBrightnessValues(i), 'filled');

% % Extracting time information

% time_info = datestr(allDates(i), 'HH:MM:SS');

% % Adding time information on top of each stem

% text(allDates(i), allBrightnessValues(i), time_info, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');

% end

% modified plot

nnn = 1+[0 c*msum(number_of_data_thismonth)]; % cumulative sum of nb of data per month

for i = 1:numel(number_of_data_thismonth)

ind_start = nnn(i);

ind_stop = nnn(i+1) - 1;

ll(i) = ind_stop - ind_start +1; % ll is equal to number_of_data_thismonth, so we have a working code

% Plotting the stem for each date

% x position is "center" data

ind = round(mean(ind_start:ind_stop));

stem(repmat(allDates(ind),ll(i),1), allBrightnessValues(ind_start:ind_stop), 'filled');

% Extracting time information

time_info = datestr(allDates(ind_start:ind_stop), 'HH:MM:SS');

% Adding time information on top of each stem

text(repmat(allDates(ind),ll(i),1), allBrightnessValues(ind_start:ind_stop), time_info, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');


your original plot looks like

To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (12)

now the modified plot is :

To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (13)

try it ; hope it helps - full code below


% List all .mat files in the directory

matFiles = dir('*.mat');

% Initialize cell arrays to hold aggregated data

allBrightnessValues = [];

allDates = [];

% Loop through each .mat file

for k = 1:length(matFiles)

% Load the current .mat file

data = load(matFiles(k).name);

% Extract the data

brightnessValues = data.all_brightness_values;

dates = data.selected_dates;

% Ensure data consistency

if isrow(brightnessValues)

brightnessValues = brightnessValues';


number_of_data_thismonth(k) = numel(brightnessValues); % <= added this line first

% Convert dates to cell array of strings if necessary

if ischar(dates)

dates = cellstr(dates);

elseif isdatetime(dates)

dates = cellstr(datestr(dates, 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:ss'));

elseif iscell(dates)

dates = cellfun(@char, dates, 'UniformOutput', false);


error('Unexpected date format in file: %s', matFiles(k).name);


% Append the data to the aggregated vectors

allBrightnessValues = [allBrightnessValues; brightnessValues];

allDates = [allDates; dates];


% Convert the date strings to datetime format

allDates = datetime(allDates, 'InputFormat', 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss');

% Display the size of the aggregated vectors

disp(['Total number of brightness values: ', num2str(length(allBrightnessValues))]);

disp(['Total number of dates: ', num2str(length(allDates))]);

% Plotting


hold on;

% original plot

% for i = 1:numel(allDates)

% % Plotting the stem for each date

% stem(allDates(i), allBrightnessValues(i), 'filled');

% % Extracting time information

% time_info = datestr(allDates(i), 'HH:MM:SS');

% % Adding time information on top of each stem

% text(allDates(i), allBrightnessValues(i), time_info, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');

% end

% modified plot

nnn = 1+[0 c*msum(number_of_data_thismonth)]; % cumulative sum of nb of data per month

for i = 1:numel(number_of_data_thismonth)

ind_start = nnn(i);

ind_stop = nnn(i+1) - 1;

ll(i) = ind_stop - ind_start +1; % ll is equal to number_of_data_thismonth, so we have a working code

% Plotting the stem for each date

% x position is "center" data

ind = round(mean(ind_start:ind_stop));

stem(repmat(allDates(ind),ll(i),1), allBrightnessValues(ind_start:ind_stop), 'filled');

% Extracting time information

time_info = datestr(allDates(ind_start:ind_stop), 'HH:MM:SS');

% Adding time information on top of each stem

text(repmat(allDates(ind),ll(i),1), allBrightnessValues(ind_start:ind_stop), time_info, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');


hold off;

title('Brightness Temperature vs. Date');


ylabel('Brightness Temperature');

datetick('x', 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'keeplimits');

ylim([180 280])



% figure;

% hold on;

% for i = 1:numel(allDates)

% % Plotting the stem for each date

% stem(allDates(i), allBrightnessValues(i), 'filled');

% % Extracting time information

% time_info = datestr(allDates(i), 'HH:MM:SS');

% % Adding time information on top of each stem

% text(allDates(i), allBrightnessValues(i), time_info, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');

% end

% hold off;

% title('Brightness Temperature vs. Date');

% xlabel('Date'); axis normal;

% ylabel('Brightness Temperature');

% datetick('x', 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'keeplimits');

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Amjad Iqbal am 22 Mai 2024 um 16:41

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@Mathieu NOE

I really appreciate the time and efforts to provide the solution. I have modified the plot and I wanted to plot a neat one. Attached one is the finest result. I am thank full for all the experts to respond promptly.

To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (15)

I always get benifit from this platform to learn new ideas and adapt for several solutions.

Mathieu NOE am 22 Mai 2024 um 17:04

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you're welcome !!

nice plot BTW :)

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Translated by To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (17)

To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (18)

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To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months. (2024)
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